Meet Rachel
I have a lifelong passion for tidying, discarding, and creating harmony out of disorder. I grew up shuffling between two very different households, and I realized early on that I found a great deal of comfort in knowing things had a place. Getting and staying organized makes my life easier and allows me a feeling of agency in my own environment.
I've always been a pretty organized person, but there are just some things that are hard to get into. Confronting the old pictures, mementos, childhood artwork, tattered books — these are the things that make us who we are, remind us of who we were, and tell us where we've been. It takes commitment to sort through it all and decide what to keep and what to let go of. Reflecting on my own mild anxiety regarding those difficult decluttering tasks made me realize what a huge undertaking it really was. This is a process that is not at all intuitive for many people, and it involves much more mental and emotional labor than simply cleaning out a closet and making a run to Goodwill.
It feels like second nature to help others work through their own daunting projects and ultimately create a space where they can more comfortably live, sleep, eat, relax, or work. For me, this work is a vital aspect of both physical and psychological housekeeping. It’s a service that’s for everyone - all walks of life, all kinds of homes. It can be as big or as small as anyone wants. There's something pretty wonderful about returning to a clean home or relaxing in a neat and cozy bedroom. But it’s more than that - it’s about dealing with what you have, showcasing what makes you happy, and figuring out the best and most sustainable way to interact with your world.
Check out my "Cool Jobs" interview in The Seattle Times here.
Read my tips on Parent Map for sprucing with kids here.
My “Mom Cave” project is featured on Seattle’s Child here.
My client shares her organizing journey with me in Seattle Times here.
Spruce your home so that you can enjoy your home.
“If you've ever thought you needed help with organizing, but thought, ‘Nah, I can do it myself,’ just put aside your pride and give Rachel a call. You'll be pleasantly surprised at what you learn from the process!”
—Sofia L., Kenmore, WA